Digital Transformation in Healthcare
- Posted by Poorva Sundriyal
- On March 15, 2019
Digital healthcare enhances the efficiency of healthcare and living by the convergence of digital technologies with the healthcare delivery system. Owing to health awareness and an increase in communicable diseases the healthcare seems to be an improved market space. And adding digital service for assisting healthcare segment will further improve its outcome. It saves the healthcare industry millions of dollar. It eases the work silos and helps in inter-winning of the healthcare providers and network.
With improved consumer expectation and ultimately improving healthcare service, IT in healthcare is sought to improve. The various digital initiatives done by the healthcare enterprise that has partially or fully digitized their digital product, channel and processes that has completely brought an analytical approach to its operating model are detailed below.
–Fitbit/Health band: The IT initiative that gives the power to the customers for analyzing their basic health metric with ease. It is a connected health platform aimed to improve health change through behavioral change. It improves poor health by spreading more awareness that results in better analysis and steps to be taken for healthy living.
–Telehealth: Setting more video classes and tutoring the patients for getting the video diagnosis of their health problem form the trained doctors. Owing to better internet access and more digital people telehealth is getting more foothold in the developed place but needs to be better placed in the developing countries where doctors and physicians proportion per person are low.
–mHealth: Recently apps are introduced that would replace invasive blood draws and improve the outcome which eventually will help people who are living with low hemoglobin. Incorporated with telehealth it would allow providers to treat their patients at home rather than a hospital or doctor’s place. There is other m-health application also that enable better-connected healthcare.
–Connected Healthcare: It integrates mHealth and Telehealth for better and more efficient healthcare. It is seen that disruptive ideas in the healthcare segment lack the interconnectivity which leads to mismanagement. With a connected system, the silos can be connected and better operated improving service and assisting better plan.
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Wayfinding apps: Now a new generation of digital user require a location finder app to guide them to their location. The patients are already stressed when they reach the hospital and finding their destination through the hallway increase the patient and family member’s anxiety. The map guides the user to their destination.
Discharge and readmission apps: The discharge formalities and readmission procedures are taking a lot of time and are utilizing a number of the resource. But with a mobility app, the admission and discharge procedure can be completed in time, all the information, specific medication, care instructions will be delivered soon.
Appointment scheduling: The hospitals are getting a lot of appointment request on a daily basis which is causing chaos. Thus to bring a systematic approach in appointment scheduling a connected application can be build that gives patients a choice to book, cancel or change the appointment timing. It brings paperless patient intake and thus low resource use and high ROI.
Access to medical record: Everyone has the right to know their medical records either from the doctor, lab, hospitals, and pharmacies. But the main problem lies in various data stores and lacking their coordination. Thus a recorder app will give the patient access to their medical records in one pane.
Conclusion: There are many applications of the connected app that are helping the healthcare industry in scheduling and managing the internal process and bringing more ROI. They are the result of providing and implementing various digital transformation services such as mobile application development, IoT development, Cloud Integration and Server plugins, and maintenance.